Establishing a Women’s Support Group: Healing from Miscarriage or Early Loss

Establishing a Women’s Support Group: Healing from Miscarriage or Early Loss

There have been times when the unexpected happens, a precious baby doesn’t enter this world to live a long life.


Whether a miscarriage or early loss, the healing process is so vital to wellbeing and recovery. If this is your experience or someone close to you, heartfelt grief and the need to find solace and comfort is much needed, how and where can someone turn to for the support that can help the healing process?

Creating a space for grief and healing in our communities, especially for families who have experienced miscarriage or early loss, is an honorable and important responsibility. Many families go through quiet mourning for their loss, and are often unable to express their grief. We have developed the Miscarriage Support Group curriculum as a guide to help you build and facilitate a support group in your community, to reach out and help those who need to heal.

Central to this curriculum are the teachings and culture of the Ahl al-Bayt (ʿa) as they are essential in helping us to understand and assist in the grieving and healing process.

Establish a group in your community to support these women and their families. With the curriculum there is a step-by-step process to facilitate the group sessions. The goal is to:

  • Create a space for healthy grieving.
  • Relate to others in the community.
  • Connect with others who have gone through a similar loss.
  • Change the attitudes towards miscarriage and early loss.
  • Create an awareness that these events are inevitable and a part of life, and they can happen to anyone.

Our Imāms (ʿa) and their families went through very severe and difficult tests, it helps to understand that tests are not a result of someone being good or bad.

For those who seek support and guidance from the Ahl al-Bayt (ʿa), inshāʾAllāh this curriculum and an accompanying personal journal can support you and your community. Each session for the support group includes activities, in addition, a personal journal is provided for individual reflection and writing. Journal content includes:

  • Ayahs of the Qurʾān and ḥadīth
  • Writing prompts
  • Links to free resources

There are a lot of misconceptions around the topic of miscarriage, but through the guidance of Sayyidah Fāṭimah az-Zahrāʾ (ʿa) and her noble family, we can try to understand this topic, and how best to handle such a loss. InshāʾAllāh this curriculum can bring solace and insight to members of your community.